The Miller Family | Sunflower Family Portraits | Elizabethtown, PA
Happy Birthday Month to my two little favorite Leos! My goddaughters, Hazel and Edie! Where do I even begin with the two of you?! Watching you two together has been so sweet. Hazel, you were born to be a big sister. You're always there to help "baby" and love on her when she needs it. You're also the first person to throw her under the bus if you need to and if that's the not the true spirit of a big sister I don't know what is. You're killin it, girl. 🙌🏻
Hazel, you are so wise beyond your years it's scary. I'm pretty sure you're gonna surpass my reading level like next week... Which is fine, because Aunt Emily will definitely need your help resetting the router and figuring out whatever new TikTok app is available. I can't wait to continue to watch you learn and grow!
Little Edie Mae, where do I start with you... This global pandemic has really limited our time together in your first year, but I am so thankful for the time I have gotten to spend with you! You're my tiny smiling peanut and there isn't much that seems to stop you from showing off those freshly grown teeth. When you do get upset it's hard to take you very seriously. Your tiny cry makes it pretty hard not to laugh...which is typically what you end up doing anyway. Babies are wild like that, guys. 🤷♀️ Now that you're walking it won't be much longer till your talking! And I can not wait for that. I'm so glad your parents asked me to capture these one-year as a family of 4 photos!