Morgan + Ryan | Lititz Spring Park Engagement Session | Lititz, PA

It's always a bit nerve-wracking showing up to an engagement session when you've only ever met the couple via a phone call or video chat. I don't know what it is about meeting in person that allows me to really get to know a couple better. Probably when they don't run from all my crazy hand gesturing I know they're my kind of people... But just minutes into Morgan and Ryan's engagement session at Lititz Spring Park I KNEW they were my peeps. Maybe it was Ryan declaring his love for System Of A Down 🤟🏻 or maybe it was Morgan's quick-witted humor. I don't know, I just know I had a blast working with them!

Morgan and Ryan have the cutest banter back and forth with each other. It's playful yet sweet. I wanna say it's sassy, but no one's feelings ever get hurt. It's a sweet sassy. Swassy. It's adorable whatever it is! And I loved every minute of it!

They've been doing long distance for a bit now, so making them look cute and cuddle in these photos was no problem for me! I taught them all the silly names of the poses we'd be doing on their wedding day, showed them where to put their hands and feet and they did the rest! One look in each other's eyes and they'd get all giggly and smiley. Ya know... like young love is except they've been together for a while now! It was adorbs.

Ryan even said the engagement session was fun. FUN, guys! I can't believe it. BEST compliment I've ever received from a groom-to-be. Making sure everyone is comfortable and having fun are my two biggest priorities with any session. It only means the wedding at Whispering Pines of Carlisle is going to be equally if not more fun!