Dutchland Derby Rollers | Lancaster PA | OverLook Roller Skating Rink
So you may be wondering what a bunch of derby girls are doing on a wedding and portrait photographers blog (don't worry you can still view some of my latest work here, here, and here)? When my friend, Ali AKA Aliminator #1989, asked me if I would photograph the Dutchland Rollers I couldn’t say no. Roller derby is something I had been interested in for a while, but just never made the time to attend an actual match. Which is pretty embarrassing consider I know a few ladies (past and present) on the team. Yes, I’m a terrible friend…
Let me just say I am NOT a sports photographer. I knew this would be a new challenge for me. But as I found out from photographing these ladies challenges can be a lot of fun! I can truly say I loved every minute being at the Dutchland Rollers game and for more reasons than you'd probably think.
First, let me say that for those of you that think roller derby is some kind of blood bath with elbows to the face you a very wrong. I learned that roller derby is extremely family friendly. The Dutchland Rollers held a halftime show for the kids to run around the rink and win prizes. I mean what parent doesn’t want their kid to run around and let out some energy? Especially if they’ve been hitting up the Overlook’s snack bar for candy… I saw kids running around collecting autographs from their favorite players in the back of their game programs. Which was absolutely adorable. And my personal favorite was Hester their dutch woman mascot. I want her to be my best friend. Just sayin...
I learned that roller derby is so much more than just a game. It’s a community. A truly inspiring and infectious community. And that includes much more than just the players on the team. Everyone that attends is truly involved in helping make the magic happen. The announcers, the referees, the coaches, non-skating officials the list goes on and on. All these people volunteer their time and weekend to making this sport happen. Not to mention dozens of vendors from the local community sponsor the team. The derby community is truly incredible! If you'd like to learn more about the Dutchland Roller Derby click here.