The Herath Family | Overlook Park Family Portrait Session | Lancaster, PA

It's really crazy what can happen in a year. Throw a little one in the mix and time seems to move at lightening speed. It's pretty terrifying sometimes. And that's what it felt like when Kanch, Matt and little Henry got out of their car for their family photos at Overlook Park.

I can't believe it was Dec 2018 when I showed up to their home to photograph Henry's newborn photos. That only felt like last year. Henry was just a tiny little nugget sound asleep through his whole session. Now he's a full fledged walking, talking toddler. How?!?!

Toddlers can be tricky to photograph. Anyone who's ever raised one would understand why... Their attention spans are shorter and they're easily distracted by the ever changing world around them. Throw in a stranger (since I'm sure he doesn't remember the first time we met...) with a camera and it can be a struggle for any photographer. But not little Henry. Sure we needed to move fast like any family session, but Henry loved the opportunity to get loved on by his parents. He was all smiles the whole sessions!