Hazel Margaret | Fresh 48 Newborn Session | Women's and Babies Hospital Lancaster, PA
Saturday morning I got a text from my best friend that it was “go time” for little Jelly Bean. Of course, Saturdays mean weddings, so all day I kept checking my phone for updates. It was nearly 8 pm and my work day was coming to an end and still no news on Jelly Bean.
During the parent dances at the wedding, I started to tear up wondering which one of my friends would one day have the privilege of dancing with either their son or daughter on their wedding day. Quickly realizing I was getting a head of myself I shook it off and kept working. I’ll be honest though… I was still rooting for a girl up till the last minute!
Around 10 pm I got the news that we were adding another member to the Ponytail Club (inside joke) with a beautiful and healthy little girl. Hazel Margaret, I’m pretty sure I willed you to be a girl. A fierce little Leo who I am honored to add to my BFF circle. You are absolute perfection. I can’t wait to teach you all about cats and boyz even though your parents would probably prefer that I don’t. Welcome to the world, little buddy.