Hazel Margaret | Newborn Session | Elizabethtown, PA
I'm so excited to show off my favorite little muggle today on the blog! Because when your best friends make you a new best friend you've gotta show them off right? And what better way to do so than by capturing their newborn photos for them.
Hazel Margaret, you've only been in this world for a few weeks, but you are already SO loved by so many. Even if you are giving your mom and dad a real good run at this first-time parent thing they wouldn't trade it for the world! Plus... I still haven't had to change your diaper yet. So you're cool in my book!
It's been amazing to watch my best friends become parents for the first time. Watching not only their bond with Hazel grow each day, but their love for one another. I'm sure they're too busy to notice, but it's totally happening, y'all! And it's truly a beautiful sight to see. I could not be happier for Kirsten, Andrew and little Hazel on becoming a perfect little family!