Ekaterina Popova | Artist Studio Portraits | Philadelphia, PA

Once again, Ekaterina and I created magic! I am so thankful to have so many incredible and inspiring artists in my life. Getting to photograph them is just a bonus! 

Ekaterina is an incredible artist and kickass businesswoman. She is consistently pushing other artists to follow their dreams and to become better business owners. Myself included! 🙏🏻 I highly recommend her podcast, Create!, if you need a little kick in the butt or the confidence to punch the fears of entrepreneurship in the face.

Ekaterina is the founder and owner of Create!, a contemporary art magazine and podcast that highlights the work of artists, makers, and creative entrepreneurs. Create! is working hard to create a community of both working creatives and up-and-coming artists. Something we can all get behind! Create! highlights the amazing works of fresh, unique artists and offers advice on the art world from some of the leading professionals in the industry.

She's a super talented artist, magazine and podcast founder, curator, published author, and all-around just a lovely person. Is there anything this girl CAN'T do?! If you get the chance to ever chat with her you'll quickly find the answer to that is a HARD NO. 💖

Ekaterina Popova