Baby Edith Mae | Newborn Session | Elizabethtown, PA
Welcome to the world little Edie! We've been waiting patiently for you for what seems like forever now. Okay, maybe it went by in a blink of an eye for your parents, but for me... it was forever. And I'm so excited you're here now!
You don't know it yet, but we're gonna be besties. Just like me and your big sister Hazel are. We'll teach you everything you need to know about cats and mischief and how much fun magnets can be. Hazel's the whizkid so she'll be the one to teach you your letters and numbers in both English and Spanish. I barely have English down...
Right now you're just a teeny tiny newborn, so we don't have much we can talk about right now. Plus you're pretty attached your mom right now too. Literally. But that'll change and that's the part I can not wait for.
You're parents are "enjoying" the transition to parents of two. Children are such a blessing, right?! I'm sure there are days they feel drained or maybe that they're failing, but I know just how lucky you are to have these two amazing people to call your parents. And I'm sure soon enough you will too. Welcome to the crew, Edith Mae. We love you!