Baby Clyde | Lifestyle Newborn Portraits | Manheim, PA
If you've been following along with the saga that is Kristen and Jeff's life over the past year, you know what a wild ride it's been. If you haven't, you can catch up here (their wedding) and here (their maternity shoot).
The short version is they planned a wedding during a global pandemic, put in long hours teaching middle schoolers through "mask season", and prepared for the birth of their first child. Okay, maybe that wasn't so short after all... Oh, and did I mention they were told baby Clyde would be a girl only to be told a few weeks later, "JK it's a boy!"
Just thinking about the past year they've had makes me tired. 😹 But there is no doubt in my mind that baby Clyde was well worth it! And Clyde (named after the town they honeymooned at) is SO lucky to have Kristen and Jeff as parents!